
Wedding Invitation Wording Guide: Etiquette Tips & Elegant Examples

Wedding Invitation Wording Guide: Etiquette Tips & Elegant Examples
8 min read

The Complete Guide to Wedding Invitation Wording: From Formal Phrases to Personal Touches

Crafting your wedding invitations is a delicate balance of tradition and personal touch. This guide simplifies wedding invitation wording, from the formal "honor of your presence" to the inviting "pleasure of your company." Whether your day is shaped by the elegance of a traditional wedding or the intimacy of a gathering at a unique venue, the right words can set the tone. We'll cover essentials like hosting details, dress code, and how to incorporate your wedding website, ensuring your invites perfectly preview your special day. From invitation by sets of parents to personal notes for a modern celebration, find out how to let your guests know what to expect, making your invitation suite a true reflection of your union.

Essence of Wedding Stationery:

Beyond mere logistics, wedding invitations encapsulate the tone and level of formality your ceremony and reception will embrace. Through meticulous wording, thoughtful design, and quality stationery, they convey a sense of importance and anticipation, inviting guests to partake in a day marked by elegance and tradition.

Etiquette Overview: 

The foundation of crafting these formal invites lies in traditional etiquette, which guides everything from addressing your guests with the correct honorifics to structuring the invitation with a respectful and inviting tone. This adherence to classic etiquette ensures that the invitation itself becomes a cherished keepsake, reflective of the respect and value placed on each guest's presence.

Invitation Suite Components:

  • Main Invitation Card: This is the heart of your suite, announcing the occasion, the hosts, the couple's names, and the specifics of the ceremony (date, time, and location).
  • Response Card (RSVP): Accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope, it simplifies the process for guests to confirm their attendance.
  • Enclosures: Depending on the wedding's complexity, you might include cards for the reception details, accommodations, directions, and other logistical information. For destination weddings, additional enclosures can provide guests with a comprehensive guide to the weekend's events.

Key Elements of the Main Invitation:

  • Host Line: Indicates who is hosting the wedding, traditionally the bride’s parents, though modern variations may reflect different family structures or the couple hosting.
  • Request Line: The phrasing here differs based on the ceremony’s location, with "the honor of your presence" used for religious venues and "the pleasure of your company" for secular ones.
  • Couple's Names: The bride’s name traditionally precedes the groom's, with full names used to signify the formality of the event. If the parents of the bride are hosting, her last name can be omitted, assuming it is the same as the hosts’. The groom’s name is then presented in full.
  • Date and Time: Written out in full, these details emphasize the ceremony's significance. The exact time is usually specified (e.g., "at four o'clock in the afternoon"). Casual wording might simply state "in the afternoon" for a less precise start time. Use "in the morning," "in the afternoon," or "in the evening" to specify the part of the day, especially in formal invitations where traditional time designation (e.g., "o'clock") is used.
  • Venue: Includes the full address. If the reception is at a different location, this is mentioned separately, sometimes on a reception card. 
  • Dress Code: When included, it guides guests on expected attire, aligning with the event's formality.

Formal Wedding Invitation Wording Examples:

The way an invitation is worded can vary significantly depending on who is hosting the wedding. Here are examples that illustrate this variety:

  • Parents Hosting

Mr. and Mrs. Johnathan Edward Smith request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Anna Elizabeth to Henry James Wilson on [wedding date] at [wedding venue]

  • Couple Hosting

Anna Elizabeth Smith and Henry James Wilson invite you to share in their joy as they exchange marriage vows on [wedding date] at [wedding venue]

  • Jointly Hosted by the Couple and Their Families

Together with their families, Anna Elizabeth Smith and Henry James Wilson joyfully invite you to attend their wedding ceremony on [wedding date] at [wedding venue]

  • Bride's Parents Hosting while also acknowledging the Groom's Parents

Mr. and Mrs. Johnathan Edward Smith request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Anna Elizabeth, to Henry James Wilson, son of Mr. Adam Christopher Wilson and Mrs. Jane Marie Wilson, on [wedding date], at [wedding venue].

These samples underscore the traditional and formal wording suited to the dignity of the occasion, guiding guests through the details of your special day.

P.S. For those looking to approach the wedding invitation task worry-free, check out our 3D configurator. Simply input your details — host names, sets of parents, the couple's first and middle name, location, date, and time — and let us handle the formal wedding invitation wording for you across all elements of your invitation. 

Personalizing Your Wedding Invitations:

Maintaining formality doesn’t mean sacrificing personalization. Here are ways to infuse your invitations with personal touches:

  • Incorporate Honorific Titles: Respect and formality are conveyed through the use of titles, a nod to traditional wedding etiquette that enriches the invitation's formal tone.

  • Family Traditions and Heritage: Embrace your heritage by including elements of family traditions in the wording or design, making your wedding invite a bridge between the past and your future.

  • Full Names: Using the first and middle names of the bride and groom not only adheres to formal etiquette but also adds a layer of solemnity to the invitation.

  • Wedding Website: For additional details, including an enclosure card directing guests to your website allows you to keep the invitation itself crisp and focused on essential information.

  • Unique Wording Choices: While sticking to invitation wording etiquette, don’t shy away from phrases that reflect your personality or the unique nature of your love story.

Enhancing Your Wedding Invitation: Enclosures and Essential Etiquette for Your Stationery

When sending out your wedding invitations, the main invite is often accompanied by additional enclosures that provide guests with all the necessary details to navigate your wedding day with ease. These enclosures ensure that every aspect of your celebration is communicated elegantly and efficiently.

Key Enclosures to Consider:

  • Directions: For guests traveling from out of town or unfamiliar with the venue, including detailed directions can be a thoughtful touch. This ensures everyone arrives at the ceremony and reception smoothly.

  • Accommodation Information: A card detailing recommended accommodation options can greatly assist your guests in planning their stay, especially for destination weddings. Consider negotiating group rates with hotels and providing booking instructions.

  • Wedding Website Card: For additional information that might not fit on your other enclosures, including a card that directs guests to your wedding website can be incredibly useful. Here, you can provide updates, additional event details, and even RSVP options.

Save-the-Dates and Thank-You Cards:

  • Save-the-Dates: While not traditionally part of the formal invitation suite, save-the-dates are crucial for giving your guests ample notice, particularly for weddings happening during busy seasons or destinations. These should be sent out several months in advance and reflect the tone and style of your upcoming nuptials.

  • Thank-You Cards: A cornerstone of wedding etiquette, thank-you cards should be sent promptly after the wedding to express gratitude for your guests' presence and any gifts received. Opt for cards that complement your wedding stationery for a cohesive look, and personalize each message to reflect the gift or gesture you're thanking them for.

Crafting the perfect wedding invitation is an essential part of wedding planning, serving as the first glimpse into the grandeur or intimacy of your upcoming nuptials. From traditional wedding invitation wording that resonates with formal affairs to the unique nuances of informal wedding invitation wording for a casual reception, every detail you choose to include speaks volumes.In the weeks leading up to your wedding, these carefully chosen words and designs invite your loved ones to join in celebration, marking their calendars for a wedding that promise to be unforgettable.

As the wedding day approaches, the words and design of your wedding stationery play a pivotal role, signaling to your guests the significance of the occasion. Whether it's a classic wedding invitation hosted by the parents of the bride, a less formal invite, or a couple announcing their own union, the etiquette and wording you select set the tone for the entire event. Including elements like the wedding registry, reception details, or a special line that hints at the wedding weekend festivities can make your invitations not only informative but memorable.

We invite you to dive into the invitation design process with passion and imagination. Whether you're following traditional wording or seeking wedding invitation wording ideas that break the mold, let us guide you. Share with us your queries or your journey in selecting the perfect wedding stationery. Our goal is to help you create invitations that not only announce your wedding day but also serve as cherished keepsakes of your love story.